This is my introductory post. I’m doing this for an English class but also for fun, but it will all tie in. This will mainly tie into the being a leader part of the institutional goal because I like to go into the unknown because it is just enthralling (and sometimes odd). As for assigned readings I’m always eager to argue the thought on hand with some strange fact. This is a fun sentence, “How our course material connects with what you are learning elsewhere.” This sounds ludicrously vague. It could be anything. Could be about aliens, I don’t know. Maybe you should read my next post. How aliens connect to class you ask? (seriously, I have nothing else to write about right now but still this is a good example) Well … we are going over digital technologies in class. Use a calculator too much and you’ll FRY your brains. Your mathematical skills will become inadequate. What do aliens in abduction stories do?

You’re walking down the street in the middle of the night, all alone for some reason, when all of a sudden this threatening blue light (yes light can be threatening, maybe they shine it in your eyes or something) comes from the sky and you pass out. You awake what feels like moments later on a table and the rest is pretty much you getting your brains fried. Just like the calculator, remember the calculator? No you don’t, your brains are fried. (I am not speaking from personal experience this time, but if I was this is how I would end it) And that is how my recollection of walking down the street at night led to passive consent to being abducted and fried by aliens relates to what we are learning in class.